People listening to lawyer

We provide FREE consultations on any kind of your criminal defense case you may be involved in.

You need experts to build a strong case

No matter what you have been accused of, you will need a strong defense in order to prove your innocence. When you choose an intelligent team with 30 years of combined experience like Ruchelman & Cruikshank, P.C., you are making the right call.

Wooden gavel

Only trust the best with your case

Your case could mean the difference between paying a fine, being incarcerated, or walking away with your innocence proven. Make sure you only have the best defending you. You can get an active trial attorney ready to see your case through right here.

Alcohol and car key

How can we help you?

  • Criminal law consultations
  • DWI
  • Misdemeanors
  • Felonies
  • Traffic
  • Drug crimes
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